

FacebookにUSのFieldDayで20mのSSB,CW,PSKで同時に3局が運用して、全く問題なかったよー!ってリポートが上がってましたので、転載します。  60m離れたPSK31の信号のパナアダプタの画面が添付されていますが、特に運用に支障をきたすことはなさそうですね、、
This Field Day, the Phoenix Thunderbird Amateur Radio Club had an all-Flex 6000 series event. We were 4A with a 6700 and three 6300's. We proved that the superior phase noise of the 6xxx series transmitters makes a HUGE difference on in-band use for contesting. We were able to have a 6700 on CW, a 6300 on PSK31, and a 6300 on phone SSB all on 20M at the same time without interfering with each other! Our antennas were all within the 400ft, and we were running 100 Watts. Take a look at this screenshot from my 6700. This shows a PSK31 transmission from the 6300 station. It was about 3 wavelengths from the 6700's antenna. The 6700 was a Carolina Windom 80 at 65ft, and the 6300's antenna was a Carolina Windom 40 at 65 ft. There was ZERO increase in the noise floor after the fall-off of the signal +/- 20Khz from the PSK signal. The CW Ops couldn't even feel it! This was INSANE! Everyone at the FD site was amazed that we could all operate in the same band. The 6700's phase noise is rated at -148dBc/Hz and the 6300 is at -140dBc/Hz. This puts them at the top of the pack, and our experiment this weekend proved it. Last year, we had to isolate the radios to separate bands when using various Kenwood and Yaesu radios. Our club now insists on using Flex 6000 radios going forward.
  • 2人がいいね!と言っています。

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結局、Ryzen 9 9900x Give up! Core Ultra 7 265k とTuf Gaming Z890-Plus WIFIに乗り換え、、、

 思い付きで始めたPCの乗り換えも、どうしてもAudioのノイズが解消できなくて (音がおかしいよ ) 、諦めることにしました。バスクロックに問題があるように思われるのですが、これ以上は無理なので諦め。 オーディオのノイズだけでなく、Facebookに表示される動画も途中でモザイ...