22:00 GMT
IK0OPS - if you read this, can you explain what forces you to make 7 dupe QSOs with 3C1L (already), 6 with 3C0L? And it's not just us. You made 11 dupe QSOs with 5T5OK, and 7 with A25UK as well, for example. Why? We could have spend this time giving someone ATNO (All Time New One) or new band. And it's not that someone abused your call. Because if we search your log on Clublog we can see that you think that you made even more QSOs with us.
And by the way we also noted you insistently calling us on 80m when we were calling "CQ JA/AS"...
22:00 GMT
IK0OPS - if you read this, can you explain what forces you to make 7 dupe QSOs with 3C1L (already), 6 with 3C0L? And it's not just us. You made 11 dupe QSOs with 5T5OK, and 7 with A25UK as well, for example. Why? We could have spend this time giving someone ATNO (All Time New One) or new band. And it's not that someone abused your call. Because if we search your log on Clublog we can see that you think that you made even more QSOs with us.
And by the way we also noted you insistently calling us on 80m when we were calling "CQ JA/AS"...
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