
EA5GL QSL Manager!

「HR2/NP3JのQSLは受領していませんか?」というメールが入ってきたので調べてみたらLoTw出来ているので別に必要はありませんでしたが、折角だからと「頂戴」ってメールしたら、下のメールが送られてきました。 QSL Manager必要な方は連絡されてみてはいかがですか?

 May I ask you a favour? Can you please recommend my services? Maybe you have a friend who needs
a QSL-manager for his station, his contest call,radio club or if he is preparing a DX-pedition. Please spread my offer on the web, forums etc.
I offer to pay all costs of printing and delivering QSLs direct and via the bureau, including envelopes, labels and many more services.
If you still have outstanding QSLs to send from some past activities that you have done
(DX-pedition, contests, etc) and you are busy, contact me, I can take care of your QSL-chores.
Thanks for your help,I am pleased to help get a QSL needed, also for me is my passion the QSL management

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