下の様に8月2日からルールが変更になり、125/150/175の区切りになくても随時申請出来るようになったみたいです(この適用をうけていたのですね、私の125の申請は)。 と、いう事でendorsementにはお金が要らなくなったみたいです。
早速、昨日のT6MOと今朝のRI1ANFを追加申請、、、。 何処まで行くかは定かでありませんが、on line の申請用紙を使ってこまめにアップデートしてゆく事にします。
August 2, 2012 Update
As the Diamond DXCC
continues to gain in popularity in the 2nd half
of 2012, we realize that some administrative items need to be changed to
streamline the process and allow for reporting of standings totals that fall
between endorsement levels.
Regarding the online
form for tracking Diamond DXCC QSOs and making applications, we will now allow
users to submit an application for any number of new entities – not just when
one reaches the endorsement levels of 125, 150, 175, or 200. Allowing users to
update standings more often, without charge, will save HQ time and expense in
processing and shipping single endorsement stickers. This change will also
allow users to report their true entity total (if you have 173 entities there
is now a way to register that number to the standings list without having to
wait until you worked number 175) that will appear online.
Participants still
must purchase the Diamond DXCC certificate with the first submission, but after
that there will be no more charges for endorsements. We will raise the price of
the certificate $1 to help cover the endorsement costs. At the end of the
Diamond DXCC Award year, sometime in February, 2013, we will send endorsement
stickers in one mailing to everyone who qualified for them.
We encourage
everyone to use the online form if they can. Paper applications will also
follow the new guidelines above.
Thanks for
participating in the Diamond DXCC Award program! The 2nd half
of 2012 promises many more opportunities to log some rare DX in celebration of
the 75th anniversary of DXCC – the world’s premier
DX award.
ARRL Diamond DXCC Challenge Rules
1. The Diamond DXCC Challenge Awards are available to all amateurs
worldwide who contact a minimum of 100 countries from the Diamond DXCC List. US
Amateurs must be members of the ARRL. Generally, the rules for the Diamond DXCC
Challenge are the same as the rules for the DXCC Program, except as listed
2. Contacts must be made from within the same DXCC entity by the same
3. Contacts must be made during 2012 – from 0000Z on 1 January, 2012,
through 2359Z on 31 December, 2012. All Amateur bands may be used except for 60
4. There are no mode endorsements or band endorsements. The Diamond
DXCC Challenge is considered to be a Mixed-Mode/Mixed-Band award. There are no
power categories or restrictions for the award.
5. Confirmations are not required to obtain this award, but HQ will
review submitted entries for accuracy and validity.
6. The Diamond DXCC Challenge certificate will be available for working
100 entities and will be endorsable with stickers at the following levels: 125,
150, 175, 200, and 225.
7. Applicants should use ARRL-supplied forms available online or
obtained by writing: DXCC, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111.
8. The Diamond DXCC
Award certificate fee is $13 including shipping within the USA, and $14
including shipping outside the USA.
Thanks to W3LPL,
IK2UVR, YO3JW, JA1WWO, K8OM, SV2KBS, W1XG and K9JF for their assistance with
this project.
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